Picking Search Words
6. Press plus to view the next match.
7. Press to view the books with
matches under the Old and New menus.
✓ Words Too Common to Search
You cannot search for these words because
they are too common:
a, an, and, are, as, be, but, by, for, from, he,
her, him, his, I, in, it, me, my, not, O, of, our,
out, shall, shalt, she, that, the, thee, their,
them, they, thou, thy, to unto, up, upon, us,
was, we, were, with, ye, you.
✓ Understanding Verse Markings
Verse numbers are at the left in boldface type.
The ¶ marks paragraphs. Italics indicate words
added by the original translators of the King
James Bible. Horizontal lines, , mark
the end of chapters, footnotes, and help.