Notice when a cross-reference to
“Advance” appears on the screen,
highlighted in red.
4. Press ENTER.
The dictionary entry for “advance”
is displayed.
5. Press BACK to return to the
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Understanding Denitions ✓
When you look up a word or phrase,
you may see one or more of the
following items:
the original entry (headword)•
a phonetic spelling for •
the part of speech (e.g., adjective, •
noun, verb, etc.)
the definition, or multiple •
numbered definitions arranged by
usage or context (indicated by text
in all capital blue letters)
a short example sentence or phrase •
demonstrating proper use
synonyms (SYN) and antonyms •
idioms (IDM)•
related spellings and other forms of •
the word (related headwords)
help, notes, and explanatory text•
For example, the word “jump” is both
a noun and verb and has multiple
contexts, numbered denitions, verb
phrases, idioms, synonyms, related
forms, and cross references.
Key Words ✓
Entries with a key symbol (
immediately after their headword
in their denitions are part of
The Oxford 3000™—core words
considered to be essential when
learning English.
Viewing Additional Content ✓
Some dictionary entries present
additional content or information to
help you better understand English.
Note: Entries with additional content
are indicated by a small “i” in the
upper right corner.
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