The Fraunhofer DRM ContentServer
is a highly reliable professional broad-
cast system for Digital Radio Mondiale
(“DRM“, see www.drm.org). It provides
all options DRM offers and all interfaces
for a smooth integration into the
broadcast chain.
The Fraunhofer DRM ContentServer
provides triple functionality:
– DRM AudioServer with multi-
stream real-time audio encoding
– DRM Multimedia DataServer
supporting all standarized as well as
broadcaster specific data
services, covering import, process-
ing, encoding and broadcast
– DRM Multiplex Generator
managing the extensive DRM signal-
ling capabilities, generating the full
digital DRM Multiplex and providing
standard MDI/DCP output streams
The One-box
DRM Broadcast Solution
The system is typically located in the stu-
dio, at a playout center or at the trans-
mitter site – with full remote control for
administration and data provision.
The remote web interface featuring
Fraunhofer´s in-place-editing techno-
logy for quick and convenient system
configuration can be accessed through
any modern web browser.
The output signal of the Fraunhofer
DRM ContentServer
R4 carries the
complete DRM Multiplex (FAC, SDC,
MSC) in MDI/DCP format according to
ETSI TS 102 820 (Multiplex Distribution
Interface) and ETSI TS 102 821 (Distri-
bution and Communications Protocol).
This DRM Multiplex can be fed simulta-
neously to any number of DRM Modu-
lators (optional SFN operation) and
monitoring stations.
Fraunhofer DRM AudioServer
This system component provides real-
time encoding of up to four audio
streams in parallel:
– Live analog, digital, Livewire or
MP3 playlist input
– AAC (mono/stereo/parametric stereo),
HVXC and CELP encoding with SBR
– All possible bitrates including UEP
(unequal error protection)
– All available sampling rates
(8 / 12 / 16 / 24/ 48 kHz)
– MPEG Surround option
Fraunhofer Multimedia DataServer
This component supports the import /
collecting, merging, checking, conver-
sion and encoding of data for all stand-
ardized DRM / DAB as well as individual
data applications.
DRM / DAB data applications:
– DRM TextMessages
– Journaline
– MOT Slideshow
– MOT Broadcast Website
– TPEG Traffic Information
– PRBS – internally generated synchro-
nous or asynchronous test patterns
– EPG – Electronic Programme Guide
– TMC – Traffic Message Channel
Open interfaces allow the transmission
of any custom-tailored individual
application at various protocol levels:
– Transparent File Transmission via MOT
– IP Insertion –
(Internet Protocol tunneling)
– TDC – Transparent Data Channel
– DRM Data Units
– MSC Data Groups
– Synchronous / asynchronous
data streams
Fraunhofer DRM ContentServer
Versatile data import interfaces and
automation features allow for a smooth
integration into production environ-
– RSS import (automatically scheduled
or manually triggered)
– Ftp, ftp-mirroring and http-mirroring
– Web-interface for quick data editing
using a standard web browser
– UECP, Funkhaustelegramm,
Leitungsprotokoll and
ZENON studio interfaces
– Socket interface for real-time data
– Protected connections for secure
and reliable data import restricted
to the predefined data sources:
ftps, ftps-mirroring, https-mirroring
The protocol standard MOT 2.1.1 (Mul-
timedia Object Transfer) for enhanced
file and directory structure transmissions
is supported.
Fraunhofer DRM Multiplex Generator
All DRM signalling features are supported
according to ETSI ES 201 980 (v.3.1.1)
including the DRM dynamic reconfigu-
ration feature.
Transmission channel options:
– Robustness modes A, B, C, D
– Spectrum occupancy
4.5, 5, 9, 10, 18, 20 kHz
– MSC modes 16 QAM, 64 QAM
and hierarchical (HMmix, HMsym)
– SDC modes 4 QAM and 16 QAM
– Interleaver length 0.4s and 2s
– EEP (equal error protection) and
UEP (unequal error protection)
with all possible combinations of
protection ratios / code rates
– DRM+ option: robustness mode E,
100 kHz, MSC modes 4/16 QAM,
SDC modes 4 QAM code rate
0.5/0.25, interleaver length 0.6s