Error Codes and Alarm Status
Unit Control Panel
The display shown below has four digits. The left two digits indicate the error code ( 1 to 24 ), The On/Off icons above these
two digits indicate the currents state of the error code. The right two digits show the history count (up to 99) of the associated
error code. The display contains a maintenance icon (wrench) that will illuminate to indicate when the unit needs mainte-
Check Error Codes
Clear History Counters
1. Press the Enter key to activate the display.
2. Each press of the scroll key display the next error code.
1. Press & hold the Enter key and the Scroll Key for ~ 6 seconds
Code Problem
1 Front Panel Button Stuck For More Than 20 Seconds Continue to monitor for "OPEN" (Unstuck) switch. Do not process switch input.
2 Input Voltage Out of Specification (103 - 127 / 187 - 253) Unit stops, open all relays until voltage is back within specs then resume operation.
3 Indoor Temperature Sensor is Open or Shorted
Unit defaults to 75°F in COOLING or 68°F in HEATING and will continue to operate.
4 Indoor Coil Temperature Sensor is Open or Shorted
The unit's control board defaults 40°F. It will override the sensor and the unit will
continue to operate.
5 Outdoor Coil Temperature Sensor is Open or Shorted
The unit defaults to 20°F, overriding the sensor. The unit will continue to operate.
Using Elec Heat if available for HEATING. If not available, it will use HEAT PUMP if
the outdoor temperature allows.
6 Outdoor Coil > (grater than) 175 F
The unit will shut down for 5 minutes. resume operation for 3 minutes. If test fails 3
times, the severity is increased and the unit operation is locked out.
7 Indoor Coil < (less than) 30 F for 2 consecutive minutes
The compressor will turn off and the High Fan speed will run. When coil temp reachs
45°F the unit will resume operation after lockout time.
8 Unit Cycles > (greater than) 9 Times per hour
The unit will continue to operate and be monitored.
9 Unit Cycles < (less than) 3 Times per Hour The unit will continue to operate and be monitored.
10 Room Freeze Protection
Only use if Electric Heat is available. Run High Speed and Electric Heat until room
temp reaches 46°F. The unit will display "FRZ" during operation. Logged Only
11 WallStat Problem or Connection Issue The unit will not operate.
12 Not Applicable Not Applicable
13 High Pressure Limit Switch is Open
If unit is cooling or heat pump is on, shut down compressor. Run high fan until
switch closes, then resume operation. The third occurance in 1 hour locks unit out.
Applicable to 24K unit only.
14 Not Applicable Not Applicable
15 Heat Pump Error
If indoor coil temperature is less than ambient temperature for 3 minutes the unit will
use electric heat to satisfy the heating demand.
16 Temperature Beyond Operating Limits
Occurs if the ambient temperature range falls below 0°F or greater than 130°F. The
error code will remain on until the temperature reaches the operating range and then
the unit will return to normal operation.
17 Equipment Doesn't Meet Minimum Configuration The compressor must be enabled and have at least 2 fan speeds
18 Not Applicable Not Applicable
19 Not Applicable Not Applicable
20 Not Applicable Not Applicable
21 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Outdoor Coil Temperature < 30 F for 2 consecutive Minutes
Unit will use electric heat to satisfy heating demands until the temperature equals or
exceeds 45°F. Applicable for Heat Pump models only.
23 Frost Protection
Unit will run active defrost for a minimum of 6 minutes when Heat Pump run time is
greater than 60 minutes and outdoor coil temperature is 26 F or less.
24 Not Applicable Not Applicable