Check voltage at outlet. Correct if none.
Check voltage to rotary switch. If none, check power
supply cord. Replace cord if circuit is open.
Check switch continuity. Refer to wiring diagram for
terminal identification. Replace switch if defective.
Connect wire. Refer to wiring diagram for terminal
identification. Repair or replace loose terminal.
Test capacitor.
Replace if not within ±10% of manufacturer's rating.
Replace if shorted, open, or damaged.
Fan blade hitting shroud or blower wheel hitting
scroll. Realign assembly.
Units using slinger ring for condenser fan must have
inch clearance to the base. If it hits the
base, shim up the bottom of the fan motor with
mounting screw(s).
Check fan motor bearings; if motor shaft will not
rotate, replace the motor.
Check voltage. If not within limits, call an electrician.
Test capacitor.
Check bearings. Does the fan blade rotate freely?
If not, replace fan motor.
Pay attention to any change from high speed to
low speed. If the speed does not change, replace the
If cracked, out of balance, or partially missing,
replace it.
If cracked, out of balance, or partially missing,
replace it.
Tighten it.
If knocking sounds continue when running or loose,
replace the motor. If the motor hums or noise
appears to be internal while running, replace motor.
Check voltage.
If not within limits, call an electrician.
Check the wire connections, if loose, repair or
replace the terminal. If wires are off, refer to wiring
diagram for identification, and replace. Check wire
locations. If not per wiring diagram, correct.
Check for continuity, refer to the wiring diagram for
terminal identification. Replace the switch if circuit is
No power
Power supply cord
Rotary switch
Wire disconnected or
connection loose
Capacitor (Discharge
capacitor before testing.)
Will not rotate
Revolves on overload.
Loose clamper
Worn bearings
Fan motor will not run.
Fan motor runs
Fan motor noise.
Compressor will not run,
but fan motor runs.