Page 14
Basically, troubleshooting and servicing rotary compres-
sors is the same as on the reciprocating compressor
with only a few exceptions.
1. Because of the spinning motion of the rotary, the
mounts are critical. If vibration is present, check
the mounts carefully.
2. The electrical terminals on the rotary are in a dif-
ferent order than the reciprocating compressors.
The terminal markings are on the cover gasket.
Use your wiring diagram to insure correct con-
1. The refrigerant charge is extremely critical. Mea-
sure charge carefully - as exact as possible to the
nameplate charge.
2. The correct method for charging the rotary is to
introduce liquid refrigerant into the high side of
the system with the unit off. Then start compres-
sor and enter the balance of the charge, gas only,
into the low side.
The introduction of liquid into the low side, with-
out the use of a capillary tube, will cause damage
to the discharge valve of the rotary compressor.
NOTE: All inoperative compressors returned to
Friedrich must have all lines properly plugged with
the plugs from the replacement compressor.