The Right Fit For Comfort
Air Filter
8”x30” Permanent
Aluminum Mesh
1. Take unit out of packaging.
2. Slide unit into wall sleeve. The supply duct on the
cooling chassis should line up with the supply vent on
the room cabinet. The weather angles should require
no adjustment.
3. Slide unit out of wallsleeve.
IIMPORTANT: The correct condenser air baffl es must
be installed or performances may be impaired and/or
the warranty will be voided.
4. Baffl e Installation - Remove baffl es from kit bag sup-
plied with unit. Install left and right side baffl es on the
condenser coil in existing holes:
• Baffl es must come in contact with the outdoor lou-
• Make sure baffl es are directed inward toward the
center of coil.
• Secure baffl es tightly to the condenser coil using the
screws provided. (Figure A8)
• 1 Installation Manual
• 1 Lt.Baffl e
• 1 Rt.Baffl e
• Screws
• 1” x 1” Open Cell Foam Tape
• 1/2” x 1/2” Open Cell Foam Tape
• 1ea. 2-Position Connector & Pin Mate
• 14AWG Yellow Wire
3. Take 1/2” x 1/2” open cell foam strips from kit bag and
apply to sheet metal fl anges around the perimeter of
the discharge outlet as shown in (Figure A8). Failure
to do so results in recirculation of the conditioned air
around the wall sleeve and through the unit causing the
unit to short cycle, thus raising operating costs through
improper heating and cooling.
Figure A8
Figure B8
5. 1” x 1” Open cell foam strips are provided to prevent
outside air from entering around the chassis to the
room from the sides and top of the cabinet (Figure B8).
Install between wall sleeve and cooling chassis. It is
imperative to have a solid air seal between wall sleeve
and chassis. Failure to do so will result in air leakage
from outdoor to indoor causing system problems i.e.
coils freezing, short cycling, and constant running of
unit. If installer is in need of more foam than supplied
in kit, consult factory.
1/2” X 1/2” Supply Air
Duct Foam Tape
Baffl es-Directed Inward
Toward Coil
Front View
Cooling Chassis
Wall Sleeve
1x1 Foam Tape