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with a fork: if the meat is firm, it means
it is cooked to the point.
Meat rolls must be taken out of the
refrigerator one hour before cooking,
so they do not get rough with the
sudden temperature variation.
Place roast in the oven in appropriate
shallow containers (deep containers
make heat penetration harder), or
directly over the grill, placing a large
container in the bottom grill to collect
spatters and dripping fat.
When cooking is finished it is
advisable to wait for at least 15
minutes before cutting the meat to
prevent the sauce from draining.
Before serving, plates can be kept hot
in the oven at minimum temperature.
outside then in the inside, a longer
baking time at a lower temperature
will be necessary.
Roast small fish at a high
temperature. Mid-sized fish must start
to roast at a high temperature and
then the temperature must be
gradually reduced. Big fish must be
roasted at a moderate temperature
from the beginning.
Check if the fish is well roasted by
gently lifting one extremity; the meat
must be evenly white and opaque,
unless it is salmon, trout or other fish
with a different color.
Minimum weight of meat to be
roasted is 2.2 lbs (1 kg) to prevent it to
becoming too dry. If the meat roll
does not have a lot of fat, use oil,
margarine, or a little of both.
Margarine and oil will not be
necessary if the meat roll has enough
fat of its own. When the fat is located
just at one side of the roll, place it in
the oven with this side up; the fat will
melt and spread to the bottom side.
Start roasting red meat at a high
temperature, reducing it afterwards to
finish cooking in the inside.
Cooking temperature for white meat
can be moderate from the beginning
to the end. It is possible to check
cooking point by carving the meat