# = Fast-moving Parts 7 06/99
* = Non-Illustrated Parts
TRS20WRH Publication No.
10 218748901 A B Cover-air duct
10* 5303209814 A B Nut,"U" type ,8-15(A) ,fan mtr mtg
10A 218751301 A B Cover-evap coil,lower
11 5303208309 A B Plug-hole,factory test
12 215230400 A B Plug-harness hole
18 5303289043 A B Support-air duct cvr,2.55" long
18* 5303289044 A B Support-air duct cvr,1.83" long
28 5303289062 A B Bolt-roller adj,hex head ,5/16-24 x 7/8
29 215003200 A B Washer,.40 x .63 x .16 ,nylon
29 215598900 A B Washer-flat, .691x1x.05, zinc, I&W hinge brkt
29* 215314301 A B Washer,.40 x .75 x .06 ,nylon
29* 218871201 A B Washer,nylon ,0.363 ID w/nibs
30 5303289060 A B Bracket-lower hinge,RH ,w/hinge pin
30* 218730800 A B Tapping Plate,RH
30A 215009000 A B Bracket-lower hinge,LH ,w/hinge pin
30A* 218730700 A B Tapping Plate,LH
37 5303321082 A - Trim-cabinet corner, almond
37 5303321081 - B Trim-cabinet corner, white
38 218215221 A - Bracket-upper hinge, with closer, almond, RH
38 218215223 A - Bracket-upper hinge, with closer, almond, LH
38 218215213 - B Bracket-upper hinge, with closer, white, RH
38 218215215 - B Bracket-upper hinge, with closer, white, LH
40 5303318774 A - Cover-upper hinge,almond
40 5303318773 - B Cover-upper hinge,white
41 5303001609 A B Grommet,shelf/rod mtg ,RH
41* 5308009759 A B Grommet,shelf mtg ,LH
43 218615300 A B Roller Assy,front ,(2)
43* 5308017044 A B Screw-roller mtg,spcl ind hex hd,5/16-18(23)x7/8
44 218738300 A B Roller Assy,rear ,(2)
47 218659500 A B Channel-shelf mtg,side ,(2)
52 215454600 A B Tube-water inlet
58 5308002748 A B Screw, hex wshr hd, 8-15A x 0.500, special
66 215050201 A B Damper-meat keeper
66A 218171301 A B Cover-meat kpr dmpr
71 218515401 A B Clip-grille
72 218359614 A - Grille/Kickplate,almond
72 218359613 - B Grille/Kickplate,white
77 5303001216 A B Washer-nylon,3/16 x 5/8 OD
78 5303274237 A B Screw-bracket,hex wshr hd, 8-32CA x 0.500
80 218249802 A B Seal-coil cover,(2)
80* 218154003 A B Gasket-air duct cvr
81 5308016566 A B Screw,hex wshr hd ,8-15A x 0.625, low profile
85 218359803 A - Cover-lower hinge,almond
85 218359801 - B Cover-lower hinge,white
89 5303288947 A B Cover-machine compt
90 215022602 A B Seal-foam
90* 5303322647 A B Tape-foam
91 218769900 A B Deflector-air,air duct cover
92 5303001479 A B Screw-hinge mtg,hex hd ,1/4-20 x 0.875
101 218663103 A B Gasket-air duct cvr
101* 218663102 A B Gasket-air duct/liner
* 218902101 A B Cap-protector, lower hinge
* 5303305325 A - Paint,touch-up ,almond
* 5303305324 - B Paint,touch-up ,white
* 5308009617 A B Washer,ext tooth lock ,#10 ,grounding
* 5308016571 A B Plug-button,cab liner holes