Operation 18
We have equipped your RiataRake with two wheel
heights positions.
The wheels on your RiataRake are designed to func-
tion as gauge wheels and they work to keep your
arena level. The unit ships with the wheels pinned in
the lower or ‘typical’ wheel hole position (see graphic
to the right). This location is most often going to
be correct for your arena. The wheels do not carry
signicant load while in operation. You may see day-
light under them at times—this is correct. They keep
the tines from following any low areas in your base
to provide a method for leveling the base as well as
the footing.
We have equipped your RiataRake with an ad-
vanced leveling comb. It is one of the essential
components on the RiataRake.
When set correctly, the leveling comb will provide
excellent leveling by controlling the release of foot-
ing material before it goes to the compaction and top
groom phase.
The leveling comb is designed to function as a ow
control gauge and is adjustable with either the stan-
dard top link that came with your RiataRake or with
our Hydraulic Cylinder option.
First you will nd a xed or oating control handle
directly above the leveling comb. Riata recommends
that if your arena is signicantly out of level, use the
rake in the oating position (see image top right) for
the rst conditioning (see arena pattern in this manu-
al). In the xed position, you should set the comb by
adjusting the top link so that your comb face accu-
mulates a small amount of material as it works the
arena (about 1 1/2 Inches).
Too much material will cause a build up that will pull
footing. Every arena is different in footing composi-
tion and moisture. Be patient and adjust it to your
arenas proper depth. You will enjoy the results.
Floating - Handle Up
Fixed - Handle Down
and Locked
Typical Use Position