For reference
No roads possible for
guidance near current
Please refer to map.
No roads possible for
guidance near current
position and
Please refer to map.
No roads possible for
guidance near
Please refer to map.
There are no roads
where route guidance is
possible in the vicinity of
the present location.
There are no roads
where route guidance is
possible in the vicinity of
the present location and
There are no roads
where route guidance is
possible in the vicinity of
the destination.
Refer to a map and proceed.
Refer to a map and proceed.
Refer to a map and proceed.
Seasonal traffic
restricted roads on this
Destination too far.
Please change to a
point within 5000 km in
a straight line.
The system searched for
a route that included a
seasonally restricted
The set destination is too
If changing to a route that
bypasses the seasonally
restricted segment is desired,
bypass the restricted segment
after changing the route. (See
Set the destination within a
5,000 km distance in straight
No previous points
Home is not registered.
Register in menu
Memory Point.
There are no previously
set destinations.
Your home is not
registered as a memory
Register a destination in the
archive and proceed. (Setting a
destination registers it in the
Register your home as a
memory point and proceed.
(See P101)
No quick access point
registered. Register in
menu Memory Point.
A special memory is not
registered for the
memory point.
Register a special memory for
the memory point and proceed.
(See P115)
Message Cause Remedy