Main Menu Web-Based Management Interface Configuring Serial Port Page
Configurable Data
Serial Port Login Timeout (minutes) - Specify how many minutes of inactivity should
occur on a serial port connection before the IBP closes the connection. Enter a number
between 0 and 160: the factory default is 5. Entering 0 disables the timeout.
Baud Rate (bps) - Select the default baud rate for the serial port connection from the
pull-down menu. You may choose from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
and 115200 baud. The factory default is 9600 baud.
Password Threshold - When the logon attempt threshold is reached on the console port,
the system interface becomes silent for a specified amount of time before allowing the
next logon attempt. (Use the silent time command to set this interval.) When this threshold
is reached for Telnet, the Telnet logon interface closes. The default value is 3.
Silent Time (Sec) - Use this command to set the amount of time the management console
is inaccessible after the number of unsuccessful logon attempts exceeds the threshold set
by the password threshold command. The default value is 0.
Non-Configurable Data
Character Size (bits) - The number of bits in a character. This is always 8.
Flow Control - Whether hardware flow control is enabled or disabled. It is always
Parity - The parity method used on the serial port. It is always None.
Stop Bits - The number of stop bits per character. It is always 1.
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the IBP module with the values on the screen. If you want the IBP
module to retain the new values across a power cycle you must perform a save.