BX600 S3 Operating Manual 101
9 Fibre Channel I/O Blades
This chapter describes the Fibre Channel I/O blades that are available for the
PRIMERGY BX600 S3 blade server. It outlines the most important features and
the external ports of the individual I/O blades, the internal port assignment to
the server blades and how to install and uninstall the server blades in the basic
PRIMERGY BX600 S3 basic unit can be fitted with two FC I/O blades.
The slots for FC I/O blades are located on the back of the basic unit (NET3 and
NET4 in figure 57 on page 109). For the assignment of the Fibre Channel ports
of the server blades to the FC I/O blades, see section “Port Assignment” on
page 109.
The configuration and operation of the I/O blades is documented in separate
manuals (see “Related Publications” on page 157).
The following Fibre Channel I/O blades are available:
– 4/4 Gbit Fibre Channel Switch Blade (Brocade SilkWorm 4016 4D)
– 2/4 Gbit Fibre Channel Switch Blade (Brocade SilkWorm 4016)
– 2 Gbit Fibre Channel Pass-Thru Blade
– 4 Gbit Fibre Channel Pass-Thru Blade