White Paper Issue: October 2006 Integration of BX600 SB9 Switches in Cisco Networks Page 36 / 47
Step 3: Test the configuration
When running in SNTP unicast mode, the output is as follows:
(bx6-sb9-a) #show sntp
Last Update Time: AUG 21 13:34:59 2006
Last Unicast Attempt Time: AUG 21 13:34:59 2006
Last Attempt Status: Success
Broadcast Count: 0
Time Zone : MEST 02:00 Before UTC
(bx6-sb9-a) #show sntp client
Client Supported Modes: unicast broadcast
SNTP Version: 4
Port: 123
Client Mode: unicast
Unicast Poll Interval: 6 , which mean 2^6 in seconds
Poll Timeout (seconds): 5
Poll Retry: 1
(bx6-sb9-a) #show calendar
Current Time : 8/21/2006 13:36:20
When running in STNP broadcast mode, the output is as follows:
(bx6-sb9-a) #show sntp client
Client Supported Modes: unicast broadcast
SNTP Version: 4
Port: 123
Client Mode: broadcast
Broadcast Poll Interval: 6 , which mean 2^6 in seconds
(bx6-sb9-a) #show sntp
Last Update Time: AUG 21 13:55:16 2006
Last Unicast Attempt Time: AUG 21 13:40:22 2006
Last Attempt Status: Success
Broadcast Count: 2
Time Zone : MEST 02:00 Before UTC
(bx6-sb9-a) #show calendar
Current Time : 8/21/2006 13:56:27
At the syslog server, entries may look like as follows:
17.08.2006 13:29 Kernel.Info AUG 17 13:27:56 UNKN[199044152]:
sntp_client.c(1679) 36 %% SNTP: system clock synchronized on THU AUG 17 13:27:56 2006 UTC
17.08.2006 13:31 Kernel.Notice AUG 17 13:30:11 TRAPMGR[248845768]:
traputil.c(703) 37 %% Link Up: Unit: 1 Slot: 0 Port: 11
17.08.2006 13:31 Kernel.Notice AUG 17 13:30:11 TRAPMGR[248845768]:
traputil.c(703) 38 %% Link Up: Unit: 1 Slot: 0 Port: 12
17.08.2006 13:31 Kernel.Notice AUG 17 13:30:11 TRAPMGR[248845768]:
traputil.c(703) 39 %% Link Up: Unit: 1 Slot: 1 Port: 1
17.08.2006 14:02 Kernel.Notice AUG 17 14:01:23 TRAPMGR[248845768]:
traputil.c(703) 48 %% Link Up: Unit: 1 Slot: 1 Port: 2
17.08.2006 14:02 Kernel.Notice AUG 17 14:01:54 TRAPMGR[248845768]:
traputil.c(703) 49 %% Link Down: Unit: 1 Slot: 0 Port: 14