4.2.2 PPMENU
PPMENU, stored in the “PrintPartner Software CD-ROM” which comes with the printer, allows the user to change
printer’s features directly from the computer display and keyboard. Operations are easy enough that the user’s
manual need not be referenced once the user is familiar with the printer.
PPMENU is useful to configure the printer to suit the requirements of user’s computer, software, and documents to
be printed.
The parameters changed using PPMENU affect page layout, font, and printer control. If software programs have
printer drivers, the printer drivers control these parameters for the user. The user may never need to change the
settings manually using PPMENU.
To use PPMENU, the computer and its operating environments must be as follows:
• IBM PC/AT or compatible or PS/2
• PC DOS 5.02, MS-DOS 3.3, or higher or
Windows 3.X or Windows 95 in DOS full screen mode
• VGA (640 x 480 dots) or higher display
• Hard disk drive installed (1 MB essential for PPMENU)
• CD-ROM drive
Main Menu and Menu Bar Functions
The PPMENU’s main menu offers functions to select print options for user documents. It also offers an operation
guide of some keys and a help message line. If the printer is not ready or has an error, a status message is displayed.
The top menu bar offers the three pull-down menus: library, special, and options. The user can select parameter
options or perform a function by using the main menu and top menu bar accessed through the mouse or keyboard.
One of the six languages is selectable for messages when installing PPMENU.
The following shows the structure of the menus in PPMENU. An asterisk (*) indicates a default option.
Main menu Page Format Copies – 1* to 999
Paper –
A3, A4* (Europe), A5, B4 (JIS), B5 (JIS), Letter* (USA), Legal, Ledger, Executive,
COM-10, Monarch, C5, DL, B5-envelope, Custom size
Orientation – Portrait* or Landscape
Form Lines – 60* (USA), 64* (Europe), or 5 to 128
Paper Source – Manual Feed, Tray 1*, Tray 2, Tray 3, Tray 4, MFF, Auto
Page Protect – Auto*, On
Duplex Mode – On or Off*
Binding – Short Edge or Long Edge*