
CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions
2.1.4 Interrupt Simulation
This section describes interrupt simulation executed.
Interrupt Simulation
This simulates the MCU operation for an interrupt request. The following types can be used to allow an
interrupt to occur.
When the instruction is executed as many cycles as the specified cycle count while executing a program
(executing execution commands), generate an interrupt corresponding to the specified interrupt number
to reset the interrupt generating condition.
Whenever the instruction executing cycle count exceeds the specified cycle, an interrupt continues to be
The type of interrupt can be set using either the [Setup] - [Debug Environment] - [Interrupt] menu, or the
SET INTERRUPT command in the Command window. If an interrupt is masked by an interrupt-enabled
flag when the interrupt generating condition is met, the interrupt is generated after resetting the mask.
When an interrupt is generated while executing a program, an interrupt cause number is displayed on the
Status Bar.
Furthermore, the simulator supports the MCU operation for interrupt requests for the following exception
Executing undefined instruction