User's Manual5-48
2. Select the V-ALMNT function.
Repeatedly press the “←” or “→” button to position the red
cursor under V-ALMNT, then press the “↑” button or the “↓”
button to select the V-ALMNT function. The printer prints the
help menu then starts printing rows of parallel bars using
letter quality speed.
3. Adjust the vertical print alignment at letter quality speed.
Examine the parallel bars. If the bars are aligned (not jagged),
go to step 4. If the bars are offset to the left, repeatedly press
the “→” button until the bars are aligned. If the bars are offset
to the right, repeatedly press the “←” button until the bars are
aligned. (In the following figure, the first line is assumed to be
printed from left to right.)
Bars offset to the left Bars offset to the right
4. Adjust the vertical print alignment at correspondence speed.
Press the “↓” button to switch from letter speed to correspond-
ence speed.
Examine the parallel bars and adjust the vertical print align-
ment as described step 3.
5. Adjust the vertical print alignment at draft speed.
Press the “↓” button to switch from correspondence speed to
draft speed.
Examine the parallel bars and adjust the vertical print align-
ment as described step 3.