4.15 Little Endian Register (LER)
When bus access by the MB91F109 is performed, the whole area is usually composed
of big endians. However, setting the little endian register (LER) makes it possible to
handle one of areas 1 to 5 as a little endian area.
This register is supported for all bus modes independently of the usual, time sharing,
and DRAM interfaces. However, area 0 is outside the little endian areas.
Configuration of Little Endian Register (LER)
The little endian register (LER) is configured as follows:
Bit Functions of Little Endian Register (LER)
As shown in Table 4.15-1, the LE2, LE1, and LE0 bits are combined to specify little endian
Writing to the LER register can be performed only one time after it is reset.
Address: 0000 07FE
LE2 LE1 LE0 -----000 W
AccessInitial value
Table 4.15-1 Mode Setting Using the Combination of Bits (LE2, LE1, and LE0)
LE2 LE1 LE0 Mode
0 0 0 Initial value after reset.
No little endian area exists.
0 0 1 Area 1 is handled as a little endian.
Areas 0 and 2 to 5 are handled as big endians.
0 1 0 Area 2 is handled as a little endian.
Areas 0 to 1 and 3 to 5 are handled as big endians.
0 1 1 Area 3 is handled as a little endian.
Areas 0 to 2 and 4 to 5 are handled as big endians.
1 0 0 Area 4 is handled as a little endian.
Areas 0 to 3 and 5 are handled as big endians.
1 0 1 Area 5 is handled as a little endian.
Areas 0 to 4 are handled as big endians.