types of predicate are available: comparison, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, NULL, quantified, and EXISTS. Search conditions
are specified using a predicate and Boolean operators.
Procedure routine
A procedure routine defines processing procedures for a database using SQL.
Procedure routine definition
A procedure routine definition defines a procedure routine using a logical structure definition.
Related term: Procedure routine
Quantified predicate
Using a quantified predicate is one method of specifying an SQL search condition. A quantified predicate uses a
quantifier (ALL, SOME, or ANY) to specify the comparison of the object rows with a group of columns in the same
Quantified value list
A quantified value list is used when the IN predicate specified in the SQL statement search condition specifies rows to
be manipulated based on comparison with a set of values. The quantified value list specifies the set of values to be
compared by the IN predicate. For example, to specify rows for which the value in column C1 is 1, 3, or 5, specify C1
IN (1, 3, 5). The part enclosed in parentheses is the quantified value list.
Query expression
A query expression is specified in a cursor declaration to derive a table. A query specification, or several query
specifications joined by UNION, can be specified in a query expression.
Query specification
A query specification derives a table from an INSERT statement of an SQL statement or from a query expression. A
query specification consists of a table expression that specifies the rows to be derived from the original table and a
select column list that specifies the required columns from these rows.
Read-only cursor
In an SQL data manipulation statement, a cursor that cannot be used to update and delete is called a read-only cursor.
The cursor declaration specifies whether a cursor is read-only. For example, if two or more tables are specified in the
FROM clause of a query specification, the cursor is a read-only cursor.
Related term: updatable cursor