
Appliance Management Panel LDAP server parameters
5.3.2 LDAP server parameters
Clicking the Server Parameters tab displays the parameters that define LDAP server
connection information.
Figure 21: LDAP Server Parameters tab
The IP Address fields specify the host names or IP addresses of the primary and
secondary LDAP servers. These values cannot be loopback addresses or all zeros.
The second LDAP server is optional.
The Port ID fields specify the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port numbers that are
used to communicate with the LDAP servers. The default value is 389 for non-secure
LDAP and 636 for secure LDAP. The default Port ID is automatically entered by the
software when an access type is specified.
The Access Type radio buttons specify how a query is sent to each LDAP server. Click
LDAP to send a query as clear text (non-secure LDAP) or LDAPS to send a query using
a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) (secure LDAP).