Chapter 3 Installing the Server 3-9
Note – If Step 10 is not performed within 1 minute the login certification will expire.
11. Confirm that the XSCF Shell prompt is displayed on the administration console.
3.3.2 Initializing the XSCF Unit
To use full XSCF functionality, various settings need to be set.
1. Set the required settings.
See section “Setting up XSCF” in the SPARC Enterprise
M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide for details on how to
set these settings.
The following settings are required:
■ Registration of an XSCF user account and password and user privileges (adduser,
password, setprivileges)
■ User account of a field engineer (FE) (for maintenance)
■ Date and time settings (setdate, settimezone)
■ Confirmation of XSCF host public key (showssh)
■ SSH/telnet settings (setssh, settelnet)
■ Network interface, routing, and DNS-related settings (setnetwork, setroute,
setnameserver, etc.)
Note – Reset the XSCF unit with the applynetwork and rebootxscf commands.
■ Domain to Service Processor Communications Protocol (DSCP) configuration
■ Altitude setting (setaltitude)
Note – setaltitude must be followed by a rebootxscf to apply the altitude
■ Dual power feed option setting (setdualpowerfeed)