System Administration 83
NAME password - manage user passwords and expiration settings
SYNOPSIS password
password [-e days| date|Never] [-i inactive][-M maxdays][-n mindays][-w
password -h
DESCRIPTION password (8) changes a user’s password and password expiration settings.
When invoked with one or more options, password will make changes to the
expiration settings of the account. See setpasswordpolicy(8) for a description of
default values.
When invoked without options, password prompts you to change the account
When invoked without a user operand, password operates on the current user
Caution – When you change the password for another user by using the user
operand, the system password policy is not enforced. The user operand is intended
only for creating a new user’s initial password or replacing a lost or forgotten
password for a user account. When changing another user’s password, be sure to
choose a password that conforms with the system password policy. You can display
the current password policy settings with the showpasswordpolicy(8) command.
Whether the user name is specified or not, the account must be local. password
returns an error if it is not local.
Privileges You must have one of the following privileges to run this command:
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
None required No privileges are required:
■ To change the password for the current user account
■ To use the -h option
useradm Can run this command with or without any options or operand.
Can change the password for any account.