24 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised June 2007
■ The DVD drive/tape drive unit is mounted in each of the base and expansion
cabinets in a high-end server that has the expansion cabinet. In such cases, each
DVD drive/tape drive unit can be connected only to a domain within the cabinet
in which the drive is mounted. Settings for connection must be made for both
the base cabinet and expansion cabinet.
EXAMPLE 1 When the system is being powered off, reserves the connection of the DVD
drive/tape drive unit
to the port 0-0.
EXAMPLE 2 When the system is being powered on, connects the DVD drive/tape drive
to port 0-0.
EXAMPLE 3 Disconnects the DVD drive/tape drive unit from the port 0-0.
XSCF> cfgdevice -l
Current connection for DVD/DAT:
Main chassis: port 0-0
Expansion chassis: port 8-0
Expander status
Port No. IOU/SAS-status SAS-status
0-0 enable up enable up
0-2 disable down enable up
0-4 disable down enable up
0-6 disable down enable up
1-0 disable down enable up
1-2 disable down enable up
1-4 disable down enable up
1-6 disable down enable up
2-0 disable down enable up
2-2 disable down enable up
2-4 disable down enable up
2-6 disable down enable up
8-0 enable up enable up
8-2 disable down enable up
8-4 disable down enable up
8-6 disable down enable up
cfgdevice -c attach -p 0-0
Are you sure you want to attach the device [y|n] :y
Completed.( Reservation )
XSCF> cfgdevice -c attach -p 0-0
Are you sure you want to attach the device [y|n] :y
XSCF> cfgdevice -f -c detach -p 0-0
Are you sure you want to detach the device [y|n] :y