248 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
2. Time of the most recent attempt to connect to the archive host, and the outcome
of that attempt (success or failure):
3. Table of the status information for audit logs and non-audit logs:
If the -e option is specified showarchiving displays the details of the last ten
archiving errors that occurred.
Username for ssh login User name which the Service Processor uses to
login to the archive host. Initial value is Not
Archive host public key The public key which the Service Processor
uses to verify the identity of the archive host.
This field is not displayed unless the -v
option is specified.
Archive host fingerprint The md5 fingerprint of the public key which
the Service Processor uses to verify the
identity of the archive host.
The completion time of the latest attempt to communicate
with the archive host.
Connection status The outcome of the latest attempt to connect to the
archive host; successful (OK) or unsuccessful (FAILED).
Archive space
The amount of space allocated for the archives.
Archive space used The amount of space currently consumed by the archives.
Total archiving
A counter of failed archiving operations.
A counter of failed archiving operations which the
Service Processor will continue to retry.