124 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised June 2007
OPTIONS The following options are supported.
-a users=enable|disable|default
Sets the audit record generation policy for the specified users. users is a
comma-separated list of valid user names.
When set to enable or disable, audit record generation for the users is
turned on or off respectively. This setting overrides the global policy for the
specified user.
When set to default, the policy for the users is set to follow the global
policy. Use showaudit -g to display the global user audit record generation
-c classes = enable|disable
Changes the audit record generation policy for the specified audit classes.
classes is a comma-separated list of audit classes. A class may be specified by
its numeric value or its name. The ACS_ prefix may be omitted. For example,
the class of audit-related events can be expressed as ACS_AUDIT, AUDIT or
The following are valid classes:
all Denotes all classes.
ACS_SYSTEM(1) System-related events
ACS_WRITE(2) Commands that can modify a state
ACS_READ(4) Commands that read a current state
ACS_LOGIN(8) Login-related events
ACS_AUDIT(16) Audit-related events
ACS_DOMAIN(32) Domain management–related events
ACS_USER(64) User management–related events
ACS_PLATFORM(128) Platform management–related events
ACS_MODES(256) Mode-related events
This option may be specified multiple times. Multiple specification are
processed together with an -e options in the order listed. See
When set to enable or disable, audit record generation for the classes is
turned on or off respectively. This setting overrides the global policy. When
set to default, the policy for the users is set to follow the global policy. Use
showaudit -g to display the global user audit record generation policy.