5-58 C141-E224
• Data format version number
The data format version number indicates the version number of the data format
of the device attribute values or guarantee failure thresholds. The data format
version numbers of the device attribute values and guarantee failure thresholds
are the same. When a data format is changed, the data format version numbers
are updated.
• Attribute ID
The attribute ID is defined as follows:
Attribute ID Attribute name
0 (Indicates unused attribute data.)
1 Read Error Rate
2 Throughput Performance
3 Spin Up Time
4 Start/Stop Count
5 Reallocated Sector Count
7 Seek Error Rate
8 Seek Time Performance
9 Power-On Hours Count
10 Spin Retry Count
12 Drive Power Cycle Count
192 Emergency Retract Cycle Count
193 Load/Unload Cycle Count
194 HDA Temperature
195 ECC On the Fly Count
196 Reallocated Event Count
197 Current Pending Sector Count
198 Off-Line Scan Uncorrectable Sector Count
(199) (Ultra ATA CRC Error Count)
200 Write Error Rate
203 Run Out
240 Communication Error Rate