[Acts requiring caution]
• Under government guidelines, business companies are warned against reproducing
anything beyond their minimum required number of private securities (such as stock
certificates, bills, and checks), commutation tickets, coupon tickets, and others.
• Also prohibited is the unauthorized reproduction of passports issued by the government,
licenses and ID cards issued by public institutions and private organizations, and passes,
meal coupons, and other tickets.
[Items protected by copyright]
• The reproduction of publications, music, pictures, paints, maps, drawings, movies,
photographs, and others that are protected by copyright is prohibited except on a limited
basis for personal use, use within one’s home, or equivalent use.
Warning Labels
This manual uses the following conventions to indicate the warning messages. These
markings are intended to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering
damage to their property. A warning signal consists of a warning symbol and a signal
word or just a signal word.
The following are the warning levels and their meanings:
Icon Meaning
This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in death or
serious personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure
This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in personal injury
if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This warning
signal also indicates that damage to the product or other property,
may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Examples of warning labels and their meanings
Symbols Meaning
A symbol indicated with a ∆ indicates that there is something about
which a warning or caution should be given. Each symbol is accompa-
nied by a drawing indicating a specific warning. (The picture on the left
is a caution regarding electric shocks.)
A symbol indicated with a indicates acts (prohibited acts) that must
not be committed. A picture indicating acts that must not be committed
is specifically drawn inside or next to the symbol. (The picture on the
left indicates that disassembly is prohibited.)
A symbol indicated with a indicates an action that must be
complied with. The image in the symbol provides more specific
information. (The picture on the left indicates that the plug should be
disconnected from the outlet).
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