62 Upgrade and Maintenance Manual MX130 S2
Basic software procedures
5.2 Completing the maintenance task
5.2.1 Updating the system board BIOS
After replacing the system board, it is essential to upgrade the BIOS to the latest
The latest BIOS versions are available from the Fujitsu support internet pages
http://ts.fujitsu.com/support/ (EMEA market)
http://primeserver.fujitsu.com/primergy/downloads/ (Japanese market)
I Fujitsu does not assume responsibility for any damage done to the
server or for the loss of any data resulting from BIOS updates.
BIOS recovery procedure
I For the Japanese market, follow the instructions provided separately.
Ê Prepare a USB stick with the following files:
– Update tool
– Startup.nsh (which will execute the update tool)
– BIOS image file for update (16 MB with header information)
Ê Ensure that the server has been shut down and disconnected from the
mains as described in sections "Shutting down the server" on page 48.
Ê Open the side cover as described in section "Opening the server" on
page 48.
Ê Enter BIOS recovery mode using the onboard jumpers.
I For detailed information on jumper settings, refer to section "Onboard
settings" on page 250.
Ê Close the side cover as described in section "Closing the server" on
page 54.
Ê Connect the USB stick to the USB port.
Ê Connect the server to the mains as described in section "Connecting the
server to the mains" on page 55.