● Any files saved while this checkbox is unmarked are not targeted for automatic
conversion. If you want to convert those files, select them to convert.
● This function converts all the pages of PDF files. If you want to specify pages to
convert them, select the files and convert those pages.
● If you mark the “Skip pages with embedded textual information” checkbox, you can
shorten the processing period because it skips conversion on pages already made
● Automatic conversion of added PDF files is executed while the user who added the
PDF file into the [My ScanSnap] folder logs on Windows and whenever any other
applications are not running on the computer. If the automatic conversion is not
complete by the time the user logs off, it will be restarted when the same user logs on
again according to the following conditions:
- When 10 minutes passed after logging on
- When you display the “PDF Conversion List” dialog box
- When a file is added in ”PDF Conversion List” (when you scan with the
ScanSnap, the conversion restarts 3 minutes after scanning.)
● Through this conversion procedure, textual information is embedded in PDF files.
Thus, the PDF files are updated.
● You can check the status of PDF file conversion from the “PDF Conversion List”
dialog box.
● The PDF files that are protected by security features such as a password and/or
bearing a digital signature cannot be converted into searchable PDF files even if they
are scanned with the ScanSnap.