
XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
Configuration Display, Delete and Operation Commands
5.19.4 File Operation Commands
This section explains about commands related to File Operation Commands. dir
Function Displays a list of files.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax dir [<filename>]
Specifies the name of the file or directory to be displayed. The dir command will only
display files or directories that match this parameter. If a directory is specified, the files
inside that directory will be displayed. Wildcards may be used with this option. Valid
wildcards are listed below.
matches all character strings, regardless of length.
matches any single character.
matches a target including any of the characters in <char>.
Use Mode Operation mode (admin class)
Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Displays a list of files on external media.
Execution Example
1) If CompactFlash /cf0, if USB memory /um0
2) Displays file last modified date.
3) Displays <DIR> if directory.
4) If a regular file, displays file size in bytes.
5) Displays file or directory name.
# dir
Directory of /cf0 ---(1)
(2) (3) (4) (5)
2011/01/15 11:55 1445 CONFIG2.TXT
2011/01/15 11:55 1445 CONFIG3.TXT
2011/01/15 11:55 1445 CONFIG4.TXT
2011/01/15 11:55 1445 CONFIG11.TXT
2011/01/15 11:55 1445 CONFIG1.TXT
2011/01/17 03:16 2337531 FIRM
2011/01/17 01:58 <DIR> TEST
total file 6
total directory 1
# dir test/*.*
Directory of /cf0/test
2011/01/16 10:23 3142 CONFIG2.TXT
2011/01/17 01:58 <DIR> BKUP
total file 1
total directory 1