
Imprinter (Endorser): With endorser option
(Reverse side, minimum left margin printing position of 20 mm)
Maximum number of characters to be printed: 30 characters
Counter display range: 0 to 99999 (at 5 digits display)
0 to 16777215 (at 8 digits display)
(There are partly limitations by the revision of the scanner
Direction(Printing): Top to Bottom
Interface: Ultra Wide SCSI
Preview: Disabled
Flip Side Rotation: Enabled
Rotation: Enabled
Automatic Size and Skew detection: End of Page Detection, Automatic Deskew,
Automatic Page Size Detection, Black Background
Overscan: Enabled (when “Black Background” is selected)
Buffer scan ([Use Memory on Scanner]) function: Enabled
Use Both Memory ( [Ram Cache]+[Use Memory on Scanner] ) function: Enabled
Batch Detection: Enabled
Double feed detection: Enabled (Check thickness / length)
Pre-Pick: Disabled
Check Over-skew: Enabled
Blank page skip: Enabled (when [Ram cache] or [Use Both Memory] is used)
JPEG Transfer (Hardware Compression) : Enabled
Filter: Page Edge Filler
Drop out color: Enabled
sRGB output : Disabled
Use Image Processing Software Option: Disabled
If 0 mm is specified as the endorser print position, printing will begin 20 mm from the edge of the page.