SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 7 -
2 Installation
2.1 Setup (Starter Kit Hardware)
Carefully remove the PCBs from the shipping carton.
Please follow the steps below to assemble the Starter Kit:
1. Connect the ribbon cable end with the pull relief to X1 on the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD.
Pin1 (Marked on the cable) of the cable must be on the left side close to the pin
header X3. Please note that for compatibility with earlier products, the plug of
this cable end is rotated so that the Pin1 marking of the cable is at the opposite
side of the one on the plug.
2. Mount the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE by pressing it on X2
of the SK-16FX-100PMC PCB. Be sure that both connectors match exactly before
pressing both boards together. X2 is the pin header close to the SUB-D connectors
3. OPTIONAL: Connect the LCD (not included) to X5 of the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD. Pin1
is located on the left side. The example software assumes a 20x4 LCD (e.g.
DisplayTech 204B). Optionally a resistor can be mounted for the LCD backlight
supply via Pins 15 and 16 of X5. Contrast can be set using RP1 on the ADA-16FX-
TSC-LCD board.
4. Connect the remaining ribbon cable end to the touch board SK-TSC-1125S-TB. Pin1
of the cable must be located in direction of the lower PCB edge.
5. Connect the SK-16FX-100PMC to a PC via USB using a standard USB connection.
Please proceed as explained in the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE user guide. It can be
found on the CD accompanying the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE; this CD also contains
the USB drivers, the Softune Workbench and the EUROSCOPE debugging
environment. The example firmware can be programmed using the Flash
programmer which can also be found on the same CD.