54 SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • August 2007
b. To initiate the power on sequence, type the start /SYS command.
You will see an ILOM CLI alert message on the system console. This indicates
that the system has reset.
c. Switch to the system console to view POST output.
Watch the POST output for possible fault messages. The following output is a
sign that POST did not detect any faults:
2. Check the POST execution result with the following command:
Note – Depending on the configuration of ILOM, POST variables, and whether
POST detected faults or not, the server might boot, or the system might remain at
the ok prompt. If the system is at the ok prompt, type boot.
3. Use the set /SYS keyswitch_state=normal command to return the virtual
keyswitch to Normal mode (default) so that the system can power on and start
the boot process.
-> start /SYS
Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y
Starting /SYS
-> start /SP/console
0:0>POST Passed all devices.
0:0>DEMON: (Diagnostics Engineering MONitor)
0:0>Select one of the following functions
0:0>POST:Return to OBP.
0:0>POST Passed all devices.
0:0>Master set ACK for vbsc runpost command and spin...
-> show /SP/faultmgmt -level all
-> set /SYS keyswitch_state=normal