Index 185
example POST error output, 46
fault handling, 24
installing, 109
managing faults in, 110
re-enabling to run system in degraded state, 165
removing, 108
troubleshooting, 24
verifying successful replacement, 110
flex cable assembly
installing, 146
removing, 145
fmadm command, 54, 112
fmdump command, 49
front bezel
installing, 121
removing, 120
front control panel
installing, 149
removing, 148
front I/O board
installing, 151
removing, 150
front panel diagram, 3
FRU event ID, 49
FRU information
displaying with show command, 28
FRU status, displaying, 28
Gigabit Ethernet ports
LEDs, 9
pinouts, 176
hard drive
about, 76
addressing, 79, 82
determining fault state, 35
device identifiers, 83
Fault LED, 35
hot-plugging, 79
installing, 79, 82
Ready-to-Remove LED, 80
removing, 77, 81
hard drive backplane, 136
about, 2
installing, 137
removing, 136
hard drive LEDs, 84
help command, 59
host ID, stored on SCC module, 2
hot-pluggable devices, 75
hard drive, 77, 79
hard drive, situations inhibiting, 77
hot-swappable devices, 76
fan tray, 85, 86
power supply, 90
I/O connections to CMP module, 160
I/O fabric
in 2-processor configuration, 168
in 4-processor configuration, 169
I/O subsystem, 21, 22, 56
installing, 128
removing, 127
ILOM commands
show faulty, 36, 47, 61, 112
ILOM system event log, 15
ILOM, See Integrated Lights Out Management
indicators, 34
infrastructure boards, about, 1
infrastructure boards, about, See also power
distribution board, power supply backplane, hard
drive backplane, front I/O board, front control
installing, 105
battery, 130
CMP/memory module, 105
DVD-ROM drive, 123
fan tray, 86, 88
fan tray carriage, 134
FB-DIMMs, 109
flex cable assembly, 146
front bezel, 121
front control panel, 149
front I/O board, 151