ServerView Event Manager 11
Notational conventions
1.4 Notational conventions
The following notational conventions are used in this manual:
References to text or sections of text in this manual are shown with the chapter
or section heading and the page on which that chapter or section begins.
Screen outputs
Please note that the screen output is dependent in part on the system used and
therefore some details may not correspond exactly to the output you will see on
your system. You may also see system-dependent differences in the menu
items available.
V Caution This symbol points out hazards that can lead to personal
injury, loss of data or damage to equipment.
I This symbol highlights important information and tips.
Ê This symbol refers to a step that you must carry out in
order to continue with the procedure.
italic Commands, menu items, names of buttons, options,
variables, file names and path names are shown in italics
in descriptive text.
fixed font System outputs are indicated using a fixed font.
fixed font
Commands to be entered via the keyboard are written in a
semi-bold fixed font.
[Key symbols] Keys are shown according to their representation on the
keyboard. If uppercase letters are to be entered explicitly,
then the Shift key is shown, e.g. [SHIFT] - [A] for A.
If two keys need to be pressed at the same time, this is
shown by placing a hyphen between the two key symbols.
Table 1: Notational conventions