AR-1215: 15 amperes for input voltages of 124V
(104V for AR-1215J in 100V mode) or higher;
derate at 113 mA per volt to a minimum of 12.3A.
AR-2306: 6 amperes for input voltages of 228V/238V/248V
(depending on Output Voltage switch setting) or higher;
derate at 23 mA per volt to a minimum of 4.9A.
AR-1215 (and AR-1215J set to 120V):
provides regulation ±5V from 97V to 141V.
AR-1215J (set to 100V): provides regulation ±4V from
AR-2306: provides regulation ±10V in the following ranges:
174-264V (220 mode), 181-276V (230 mode), 190-288V
AR-1215 (and AR-1215J set to 120V): Below 75V or
AR-1215J: (set at 100V): Below 65V or above 135V.
AR-2306: Below 146V or above 279V (220 mode); Below
152V or above 287V (230 mode), Below 158V or above
AR-1215 (and AR-1215J set to 120V): ±5V.
AR-1215J (set to 100V) : ±4V.
Line to neutral, neutral to ground, line to ground.
AR-1215/AR-1215J: Initial turn-on at 200V; TVSS rating
of 400 volts peak at 500 A, L-N, N-G, L-G (tested to UL-
AR-2306: Initial turn-on at 390 volts peak L-N; 680 volts
AR-1215/AR-1215J: 80 joules per node;
AR-2306: 130 joules L-N, 160 joules N-G, L-G,
Transverse and common modes: 20 dB at 200 kHz, rising
1.75” H x 19” W x 8.5” D.
Furman Sound, Inc. • 1997 South McDowell Blvd. • Petaluma, CA 94954-6919 USA
Phone: 707-763-1010 • Fax: 707-763-1310 • Web: www.furmansound.com • E-mail: info@furmansound.com