A Word to the Owner of the BR-500
Congratulations on your choice of the FURUNO BR-500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System
(BNWAS). We are confident you will see why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with
quality and reliability.
Since 1948, FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative and
dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our ex-
tensive global network of agents and dealers.
Your equipment is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine envi-
ronment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless properly operated and
maintained. Please carefully read and follow the operation and maintenance procedures set forth
in this manual.
Thank you for considering and purchasing FURUNO.
We would appreciate feedback from you, the end-user, about whether we are achieving our pur-
The BR-500 monitors the Officer of the Watch’s (OOW) presence on the bridge to prevent mari-
time casualties. The system sends an alarm to the quarters of the backup officer if the OOW fails
to respond to the active alarm or emergency call.
• Complies with IMO MSC.128(75).
• Watches for unattended bridge and operator disability.
• Transmits alarm to backup officer if the OOW fails to respond to active alarm or emergency call.
• Motion Detector (option) detects motion on the bridge to confirm operator fitness.
• Flash Beacon (option) flashes to remind OOW to confirm presence (by operating equipment in
the system).
Software history
xx: minor change
Main Alarm Panel Program Processor Unit Program
BOOT: 2450054-01.xx
Initial version 09/2010 APPLICA-
TION: 2450056-01.xx
BOOT: 2450058-01.xx
Initial version 09/2010 APPLI-
CATION: 2450060-01.xx
CPLD: 2450065-01.xx