4.4 Train Direction
The sounding beam may be directed toward fore, aft, port or starboard. Operate the [TRAIN]
control to select sounding beam direction. Each setting on the control is an increment of 6°. The
train indicator at the top of the screen shows training direction: 0°, fore direction; 90°, starboard
direction; 180°, aft direction, and 270°, port direction.
0˚ (360˚) → 6˚ → 12˚ → 18˚ → ... 354˚
Train 0˚ Train 90˚ Train 180˚ Train 270˚
Figure 4-4 Train indicator and display
4.5 Selecting Tilt Angle
The transducer can pointed directly toward the bottom or forward of the ship. Operate the [TILT]
control to select an appropriate tilt angle. The available tilt angle is 0° (horizontal direction) to
90° (vertical) in increments of 1°
. Selected tilt angle appears at the top of the display to the right
of “T”.
4.6 Selecting Picture Advance Speed
The picture advance speed determines how quickly the vertical scan lines run across the screen,
from right to left. When selecting a picture speed, keep in mind that a fast advance speed will
expand a fish school horizontally on the screen and a slow one will contract it.
1. Press the [FAST SCAN] key. The following dialog box appears. Do the next step within four
seconds otherwise the dialog box will be erased.
1/8 1/4 1/2 1/1 2/1
2. Press
or ([FAST SCAN] key may also be used) to select a speed. The fractions in
dialog box correspond to the number of scan lines produced per transmission. For example,
“2/1” means two scan lines are produced per transmission.
3. Press the [MENU] key to close the dialog box. Note that the dialog box is automatically
closed if there is no control operation for about four seconds.