*Ship’s Track Mark
With gyrocompass or speed log connection, own ship’s track is plotted
by a solid line. When the length of the line exceeds five times the
range the oldest part of the track is erased.
Nav Data
S: .
T: .
With appropriate sensors speed (S), course (C), water depth (D) and
water temperature (T) can be displayed on the text window, echo
sounder combination display and history display.
Mark Description
Tidal Current Data
Normal mode
Combination mode
C1 : . M
C2 : . M
C3 : . M
C1 : .
C2 : .
C3 : .
This mark can be displayed with current indicator input. The tidal
current marks are displayed on the net shooting mark ( ) and net
sonde marks ( ). The tidal current markers shows tidal current
speed in three layers (1—3) selected on the tidal current indicator.
The tidal current speed is shown by the length of the tidal current mark.
Note however that no tidal current mark appears if the tidal current
speed is less than 0.2 kts. Current direction can be shown as "to" or
"from" by selecting CURRENT VEC-Current Flow Dir on the USER
menu. In the normal mode with text, speed, direction and depth of the
current are shown for three layers (C1, C2, C3). In the echo sounder
combination and history modes, only the speed appears (C1, C2, C3),
on the echo sounder combination or history display.
*Net Sonde Data When the net sonde is connected, the depth of the net sonde trans-
mitters appears in the text window, echo sounder, or audio area.
C1 :
C2 :
C3 :
With navigation input position can be displayed in latitude and long-
itude, in the normal mode only.
Estimate Mark
Estimate mark
The estimate mark gives relative fish quantity. Press the ESTIMATE
key. The estimate mark data appears below the mark. The fish amount
is assessed as between 0 and 100, where if the mark is filled with the
strongest echo color reddish brown, the amount is regarded as "100."
The size of the estimate mark can be changed with MARK SIZE2-
Estimate Mark on the SYSTEM menu.
Own Ship Data
° .N
° .E
(Continued on next page)