5.9 How to Copy Radar Map Marks and Lines
5.9.1 How to copy individual radar map marks and lines to another
map file
You can copy individual marks and lines from the currently displayed radar map to the
radar map file of your choice.
1. Right-click the display area to show the context-sensitive menu.
2. Click [Mark Copy] then click the map file no. where to copy the mark.
3. Put the (light-blue) cursor on the mark or line then click.
5.9.2 How to copy radar map marks and lines within an area to an-
other map file
You can copy radar map marks and lines within an area of the currently displayed ra-
dar map to the radar map file of your choice.
1. Right-click the display area to show the context-sensitive menu.
2. Click [Area Select].
3. Specify the area as follows.
1) Put the cursor on the start point and push the left button.
2) Drag the cursor diagonally to the end point and push the left button.
All marks and lines within the area selected are highlighted in blue.
4. Right-click to show the context-sensitive menu.
5. Click [Area Mark Copy] then click the map file no. where to copy the marks and