1.3 Panel and Key Brilliance
Both panel and key brilliance can be adjusted from the main screen using the following procedure:
1. Press S or T on the BRILL pad to open the Brilliance pop-up window.
2. Press S or T to adjust panel brilliance.
3. Press W or X to adjust key brilliance.
4. Press the MENU/ESC key to close the pop-up window.
Brilliance settings for Day or Night mode are stored separately.
When changing modes, the last-used setting is restored.
1.3.1 Day/Night Mode
The FE-800 has Day and Night display settings to allow better screen visibility. To switch between
modes, do the following:
1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the Main menu.
2. Select [Day/Night], then press the ENT key.
3. Select [Day] or [Night] as appropriate, then press the ENT key.
4. Press the MENU/ESC key once to close the menu.
The default settings for Day and Night modes are shown in the table below.
Day 9 2
Night 2 2