Communicating by NBDP Terminal Unit
1. The message “STATION ENTRY COMPLETED FROM DSC. Press any key to
escape.” appears on the NBDP’s display. Press any key on the NBDP Terminal Unit to
erase the message.
2. Press the function key [F3] on the keyboard of the NBDP Terminal Unit to show the
Operate menu.
3. Choose “Call Station” and then press the [Enter] key.
Call Station
Station List
Station Set up
Station : DSC
ID Code :
Mode : ARQ FEC
Tx Freq : 2174.50
Rx Freq : 2174.50
4. “DSC” is selected; press the [Enter] key to connect the communications line.
5. “Connect” appears in reverse video. Type and transmit your message, giving the
following information:
a) Ship’s name and call sign
b) Nature of distress and assistance needed
c) Description of your vessel
6. Press the function key [F10] (BREAK) to disconnect the line.
4.2 Receiving a Distress Alert
When you receive a distress alert from a ship in distress, the audio alarm sounds and the
message "Distress call received." appears on the display. Press the [CANCEL] key to
silence the audio alarm. Wait for the distress acknowledge call from a coast station. If you
do not receive the distress acknowledge call from a coast station, which usually takes
about five minutes from the time of reception of a distress alert, follow the appropriate flow
chart in this section to determine your course of action.
Note 1: An asterisk (*) appearing in a distress alert call indicates error at asterisk location.
Note 2: If the Telex Distress Alert Button IC-302-DSC is connected, the aural alarm
sounds and the IC-302-DSC’s alarm lamp lights in red when a distress alert is
received. To silence the aural alarm, press the [ALARM STOP] key.
Russian version
If another distress alert or urgent call is received just after pressing the [CALL] key (for
distress alert relay and distress acknowledgement), the most recently received call has