DOR - Door status indication
This sentence indicates the status of watertight doors, fire doors and other hull openings /
doors. Malfunction alarms of the watertight door, fire door and hull opening/door controller
should be included in the “ALA” sentence.
$xxDOR, A, hhmmss.ss, aa, aa, xxx, xxx, A, c—c, *hh<cr><lf>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0) Header
1) Message type
S: Status for section: the number of faulty and/or open doors reported in the division specified in
field 4. The section may be a whole section (one or both of the division indicators are empty) or a
sub-section. (If S is used then it shall be transmitted at regular intervals.)
E: Status for single door. (E may be used to indicate an event).
F: Fault in system: If limited to one section, indicated by division indicator fields, if not, division
indicators empty. (F may be used to indicate an event.)
2) Time stamp
Time when this status/message was valid.
3) System indicator of door status
Indicator characters as door system. The field is two fixed characters.
4) Division indicator of door allocation (1)
Indicator showing division where door is located. This field is two characters.
It may be physical fire zone or entity identifier for control and monitoring system, e.g., central number.
5) Division indicator of door allocation (2)
Indicator showing in which division the door is located. This field is three numeric characters.
It may bephysical deck number or identifier for control and monitoring system sub-system,
e.g., loop number.
6) Door number or door open count
Number showing door number or number of doors that are open/faulty.
This field is three fixed numeric characters.
7) Door status
This field includes a single character specified by the following: when S status indicated in 2nd field,
this field is ignored
O = Open
C = Close
F = Free status (for watertight door)
X = Fault (impossible to know state)
8) Message's description text
Additional and optional descriptive text/door tag. Also if a door allocation identifier is string type, it is
possible to use this field instead of above door allocation fields.
Maximum number of characters will be limited by maximum sentence length and length of other fields.
DPT - Depth
IMO Resolution A.224 (VII). Water depth relative to the transducer and offset of the measuring
transducer. Positive offset numbers provide the distance from the transducer to the waterline.
Negative offset numbers provide the distance from the transducer to the part of the keel of
$--DPT, x.x, x.x*hh<CR><LF>
Offset from transducer, in meters = distance from transducer to water-line
Water depth relative to the transducer, in meters