
6.4 Tips and tricks
The steam cooker may be used with max. two
cooking inserts at the same time.
When steaming with two cooking inserts,
you can either place the inserts simultaneously
in the cooking basin or you can insert them
during the cooking process. When using this
method, please make sure that you insert the
food with the longer cooking time first. Make
sure you insert the perforated insert under the
unperforated insert. Do not insert the other
cooking insert until the time remaining for the
second item you intend to cook has been
reached. In this way, you can make sure that
meals that require different cooking times will
be ready at the same time.
Food cooked in steam has a more intensive
taste than food cooked by conventional means.
Therefore, you can largely dispense with the
need for additional spicing. This means that the
appliance is also suitable for diets.
Nutrients, vitamins and minerals are
retained, as well as taste, shape and colour.
Prepare the food without fat!
If possible, always fit the cover. The steam
condenses on the cover and drips back onto
the food. Steam and energy losses are
prevented/avoided by a well sealing cover.
Cooked food does not come into contact with
the boiling water. Therefore, it is enveloped
completely by the steam and is not drained of its
goodness by water.
Cooking in steam is an energy-saving means
of preparing food.
Always preheat the steam cooker! This
shortens the cooking time and loss of nutrients
from foodstuffs are minimised.
If the (Limiter) symbol appears on the
display, this may be due to the following reasons:
– Running dry:
–The appliance is being operated without water.
–There is no more water in the appliance.
– Heat build-up:
–Scale deposits may cause overheating as the
result of a heat build-up.
– Turn the “Temperature" control knob to the 0
position and allow the appliance to cool down
fully before operating it again. Pour cooking liquid
into the appliance.
– Please inform your local Gaggenau after-sales
service if the (limiter) symbol does not go off
after a few minutes.