2-D map view 7
3-D map view 7
accessories 14
active lane guidance 5
adding stops 5
addresses, finding 3
audio 13
proximity points 13
safety cameras 13
answering calls 9
audio, proximity points 13
automatic volume 2
enabling 2
area 6
customizing 6
deleting 6
disabling 6
road 6
road features 6
charging 1, 2, 14, 15
maximizing 15
problems 15
Bluetooth technology 9, 15
disabling 13
enabling 9
Bluetoothtechnology, settings 13
brightness 2
cables, power 14
calibrating fuel economy 11
calls 9
answering 9
call waiting 9
contacts 9
dialing 9
disabling 10
history 9
home 10
placing 9
cameras, safety 7
changing search area 3
charging the device 1, 2, 14, 15
cleaning the device 14
cleaning the touchscreen 14
computer, connecting 12, 15
coordinates 3
current location 6
custom POIs 4
customizing, avoidances 6
customizing the device 12
dashboard mount 14
paired headset 9
trips 12
destinations. See locations
detours 5
device care 14
dialing 9
directions 5
disconnecting phone 9
display settings 13
driving directions 5
ecoChallenge 11
ecoChallenge score 11
resetting 11
ecoRoute 11
calibrating fuel economy 11
ecoChallenge score 11
HD accessory 10
mileage report 11
mileage reports 11
vehicle profile 11
ecoRoute HD, accessory 10
EULAs 13
custom points of interest 4
safety cameras 7
supported types 12
transferring 12
finding locations. 2 See also locations
addresses 3
browsing the map 3
categories 2
cities 3
coordinates 3
intersections 3
using the map 3
finding services, up ahead 5
fuel, prices 11
fuel economy. 11 See also ecoRoute
fuel price, changing 11
fuse, changing 14
Garmin Express 1
registering the device 1
updating software 1
Garmin Live Services 10
subscribing to 10
geocaching 3
going home 3
GPS 1, 2
hands-free phone calls 9
help. 10 See also product support
calling 10
editing location 3
going 3
phone number 10
setting locations 3
ID number 13
intersections, finding 3
junction view 5
keyboard 2
language 13
layout 13
keyboard 13
voice 13
latitude and longitude 3
lifetime maps 1
locations 2, 3, 12
calling 9
current 3, 6
recently found 3
saving 3
searching for 3
setting home 3
simulated 4
map, data field 7
map layers, customizing 6
map perspective 7
map tools 6
map view
2-D 7
3-D 7
maps 5, 13
browsing 3
data field 6
detail level 12
layers 6
lifetime 1
nüMaps Guarantee 1
nüMaps Lifetime 1
purchasing 14
theme 12
updating 1
viewing routes 5
memory card 12
microSD card, installing 12
mileage reports 11
mount, removing 14
mounting the device
automobile 1
dashboard 14
removing from mount 14
suction cup 1, 14
muting, audio 9
myGarmin, messages 11
myTrends, routes 6
navigation 4
off-road 4
previewing routes 4
settings 13
next turn 5
nüMaps Guarantee 1
nüMaps Lifetime 1
off-road navigation 4
on-screen buttons 2
pairing 9
deleting paired headset 9
disconnecting 9
phone 9, 15
parking 3
last spot 3
disconnecting 9
pairing 9, 15
phone book 9
phone calls 9
answering 9
call waiting 9
dialing 9
muting 9
voice dial 9
POI. 4 See also point of interest (POI)
POI Loader 4
points of interest (POI Loader) 4
points of interest (POI)
custom 4
extras 4
POI Loader 4
power cables 14
changing the fuse 14
vehicle 1
power key 1
product registration 1
product support 10
proximity points alerts, settings 13
Quick Search 2
recently found locations 3
registering the device 1
16 Index