
Map Page
The Map Pageacts as a window. It allows you to
view your position, the “path” you have traveled over,
and nearby waypoints.
A diamond icon in the center of the screen repre-
sents your current position. As you move, you will see
a thin line—called a track logappear along the path
you have just covered. Names of stored waypoints and
nearby cities can also be shown on the map.
The bottom corners of the map will always display
your current track and speed. When going to a way-
point, highlighting an on-screen waypoint, or using the
panning target crosshair, the corresponding distance
and bearing are shown at the top corners of the map.
The top of the screen contains the zoom, pan, and con-
figuration fields.
Navigation Page
Anavigation page gives you steering guidance
when going to a waypoint. The GPS 12 has two naviga-
tion page choices: the Compass Page and the Highway
Page. The Compass Page is the default and will be
briefly explained here. The Highway Page is covered on
page 34.
The Compass Pageshows the destination way-
point at the top of the page with the bearing (BRG) and
distance (DST) to the waypoint shown below. The cen-
ter of the page contains a compass ring and arrow to
show you the direction of the waypoint from the direc-
tion you are moving. The bottom of the page gives
your track (TRK), speed (SPD), and a selectable field
for estimated time to arrival (ETA), estimated time
enroute (ETE), course to steer (CTS), crosstrack error,
(XTK), velocity made good (VMG), or turn bearing
Main Menu Page
The last primary page is the Main Menu Page.
The Main Menu Page gives you access to the GPS12s
waypoint management, route, track log, and setup fea-
tures through a list of submenus.
Map Page
The Map Page shows
your progress on a mov-
ing map plotter and gives
a bird’s-eye-view of sur-
rounding waypoints.
Primary Pages
Compass Page
The Compass Page is the
default navigation page
and will show you the
way to the waypoint from
the direction you are
GPS12B 1/13/99 4:26 PM Page 7