
Appendix D. GPS16-HVS Setups
TABLE D-1. PGRMC Setup Sentence
1 Fix mode, A = Automatic, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D
2 Altitude above or below sea level
3 Earth Datum
4 User Earth datum semi-major axis
5 User Earth datum inverse flattening factor
6 User Earth datum delta x earth centered coordinate
7 User Earth datum delta y earth centered coordinate
8 User Earth datum delta z earth centered coordinate
9 differential mode, A = automatic, D = differential only
10 NMEA 0183 baud rate, 1=1200, 2=2400, 3=4800, 4=9600,
5=19200, 6=300, 7=600
11 Velocity filter, 0 = no filter, 1 = Automatic filter, 2-255 = filter
time constant
12 PPS mode, 1 = no pps, 2 = 1 Hz
13 PPS pulse length, 0-48 = (n+1)*20 mS. Example: n=4
corresponds to a 100 ms wide pulse width
14 Dead reckoning valid time (1-30 seconds)
PGRMC Notes: All configuration changes take effect after receipt of a valid
value except baud rate and PPS mode, which take effect on the next power
cycle or an external reset event.
TABLE D-2. PGRMO Output Sentence Enable/Disable
1 Target Sentence description (e.g., GPVTG)
2 Target Sentence Mode, where:
0 = disable specified sentence
1 = enable specified sentence
2 = disable all output sentence (except PSLIB)
3 = enable all output sentences (except GPALM)
4 = restore factory default output sentences
PGRMO Notes:
1. If the target sentence mode is 2 (disable all) , 3 (enable all) or 4 (restore
defaults), the target sentence description is not checked for validity. In this
case, an empty field is allowed (e.g., $PGRMO,,3), or the mode field may
contain from 1 to 5 characters.
2. If the target sentence mode is 0 (disable) or 1 (enable), the target sentence
description field must be an identifier for one of the sentences that can be
output by the GPS sensor.
3. If either the target sentence mode field or the target sentence description
field is not valid, the PGRMO sentence will have no effect.
4. $PGRMO,GPALM,1 will cause the GPS sensor to transmit all stored
almanac information. All other NMEA 0183 sentence transmission will be
temporarily suspended.