Getting Started
Highway Page
The GPSMAP 182/232’s Highway Page also provides graphic steering guidance to a destination
waypoint, placing greater emphasis on the straight-line desired course and the distance and direction
you are off course. As you head toward your destination, the middle of the screen provides visual
guidance to your waypoint on a moving graphic “highway.” Your present position is at the bottom
center of the highway display. The line down the middle of the highway represents your desired course.
As you navigate toward a waypoint, the highway will actually move—indicating the direction you’re off
course. To stay on course, simply steer toward the center of the highway or “keep it on the road”. The
four default data fi elds at the top of the page indicate ‘Speed’ and ‘Distance To Next’ point, along with
‘To Course’ which shows the bearing to get you back on course and ‘Time To Next’ point. Additionally,
a compass ribbon is displayed to show your current heading along with a dark, vertical bar which will
indicate the direct bearing to the navigation point. When the dark, vertical indicator (or arrow) lines
up with the lighter gray bar in the middle, you are heading directly to the navigation point. Use the
Highway Page as your primary navigation page (in lieu of the Compass Page) when your main concern
is following a defi ned course.
Whenever the GPSMAP 182/232 is in simulator mode, you can also adjust your speed and course
from the Highway Page using the ARROW KEYPAD. As you head toward each waypoint in the tour
route, try adjusting your boat speed and course to get a feel for how the highway works.
To adjust the simulated boat speed/heading from the Highway Page:
1. Press the UP arrow of the ARROW KEYPAD to increase the speed in 10 knot/kph/mph increments.
Press the DOWN arrow to decrease the speed in the same increments. Press the LEFT and RIGHT
arrows of the ARROW KEYPAD to steer the boat.
Notice that as you get off course, the highway will move to give you graphic guidance to get
back on course. You can zoom in or out on the Highway display for a smaller or larger view. Five
available settings range from 1X to 16X, with a default setting of 8X. The current scale will appear
in the bottom right of the display.
To zoom in or out on the highway display:
1. Press either the IN or OUT key to increase or decrease the zoom scale.
Zoom Scale
Data Fields
Desired Course
Present Position
Steer towards the center
of the highway or towards
the black vertical bar on
the compass ribbon to get
back on course.
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