Garmin aera 500 Series Pilot’s Guide
190-01117-02 Rev. A
Appendix J
OverviewGPS NavigationFlight PlanningHazard AvoidanceAdditional FeaturesAppendicesIndex
Distance The ‘great circle’ distance from the present position to a
destination waypoint.
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DTK Desired Track
Enroute Safe
The recommended minimum altitude within ten miles left or
right of the desired course on an active flight plan or direct-
ESA Enroute Safe Altitude
Estimated Time of
The estimated time at which the aircraft should reach the
destination waypoint, based upon current speed and track.
Estimated Time
The estimated time it takes to reach the destination waypoint
from the present position, based upon current ground speed.
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE Estimated Time Enroute
ºF degrees Fahrenheit
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAF Final Approach Fix
FCC Federal Communication Commission
fpm feet per minute
FSS Flight Service Station
ft foot/feet
gal gallon(s)
Glide Ratio, G/R The estimated distance an aircraft will move forward for any
given amount of lost altitude.
gph gallons per hour
GPS Global Positioning System