
16 Rino 650 Owner’s Manual
Navigating with the Course Pointer
Before you can navigate with the
course pointer, you must change the
pointer setting to 
(page 25).
1. Begin navigation to a destination
(page 13).
2. Select .
3. Use the course pointer to navigate
to the destination (page 15).
Navigating to a Contact
Before you can navigate to a contact,
you must save a contact (page 7).
1. Select .
2. Select a contact.
3. Select  > .
Geocaching is a type of treasure
hunting, in which geocachers seek
hidden treasures using GPS coordinates
posted on the Internet by those hiding
the geocache.
Downloading Geocaches
1. Connect your device to a computer
(page 37).
2. Go to www.OpenCaching.com.
3. If necessary, create an account.
4. Sign in.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions
to nd and download geocaches to
your device.
Navigating to a Geocache
1. Select .
2. Select .
3. Select a geocache.
4. Select .